2020 Medical Taiwan
2020/10/15-17於台北南港展覽館2館舉辦的「台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展(Medical Taiwan)」已圓滿落幕,CTi由衷感謝此次百忙之中撥冗來訪的廠商及合作夥伴,您的寶貴意見都使我們獲得許多產業新知,期待未來CTi能提供您更優化的解決方案。

Ching Tai Electric Wire & Cable(CTi), founded in 1963, is a New Taipei City-based professional manufacturer of wires and cables. In the past 30+ years, CTi delved into the high speed data/networking, Pro AV, and medical industry with wire and cable applications. From raw materials to finished goods, CTi now has the core technology and can achieve top production quality in the global market.
CTi is ISO9001 and ISO13485 certified and has set up cleanrooms for producing medical wires and cables. These qualifications have served CTi’s clients well over the years, satisfying global clients producing surgical equipment and medical imaging equipment, which require topnotch quality demands. Intending to delve into Taiwan’s market, CTi has aggressively poured investment into servicing the domestic industry chain for medical healthcare products.
CTi is capable of producing diverse and reliable medical-use tubes, primarily used in respiratory care and surgery, as well as combination tubes for laparoscopy and endoscopes. This provides doctors high-definition images for more accurate diagnosis, and trouble-free surgeries. CTi’s experience and know-how are viable total solutions for clients to enjoy, from designing, budgeting, fast sample making, certification, testing to steady mass production.